Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Carsen is 2 Months Old!!

Carsen went in for her two month check up today, she weighs a whopping 9 lbs 7 oz and she's 20 1/4 inches long! She's growing like a weed!! I guess I should have realized when we had to move up a size in diapers! Carsen is doing wonderful, we've started early intervention, she has a physical and an occupational therapist that come to the house and give us exercises to do with her to help build up her muscle tone. Right now we are working on head control, we do a lot of tummy time, baby sit ups, and we are now practicing rolling over, and I am working on some neck stretches with her. She is right on track!
We've recently joined a group called BUDS (Bringing Up Down Syndrome) it's a group of ordinary people just like us that all have a child with Down Syndrome. It's nice to know there are other parents out there that have been exactly where we are, be able to get advice, and have a common thread among us. It's been a very positive thing for us to get involved in. BUDS sponsors a walk every year called the Buddy Walk, it's to promote education and inclusion for Down Syndrome, mark your calendars, it's October 16th this year!


~Casto family~ said...

DANG, she is getting big!!! What a cutie! She get's more adorable every time I see her!!! I LOVE the chubby little cheeks!!!

KellyAnn said...

She is such a cutie!
Pro active parents are the greatest. She is so lucky to be with the you!

Laura said...

She is so pretty. Can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks. Kendall weighed just a couple oz more than her at 2mths. He was so scrawny! Harper on the other hand was 11lb 7oz. LOL!

-Rachel said...

Both of your girls are adorable. I especially like the picture of Carson with her eyes closed in Brad's hands, that is probably one of the best pictures I have ever seen! Hopefully you guys will be able to come and visit Rachel and me soon.