Monday, March 1, 2010

The Latest

As some or all of you that read this blog may or may not know, our little Carsen has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21 chromosome, she has three, rather than two, 21 chromosomes. Carsen has, what's called a Robertsonian Translocation 21 on 14, translocation accounts for about 4% of all cases of Down syndrome. In translocation, part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division and attaches to another chromosome, typically chromosome 14. While the total number of chromosomes in the cells remain 46, the presence of an extra part of chromosome 21 causes the characteristics of Down Syndrome.
We have been reassured with wonderful news that Carsen's heart is in perfect condition. The reason this is good news, is because in about 40-50% of people that have Down Syndrome have serious heart problems, and other health problems, so far we are in the clear.
This Down Syndrome diagnosis was definitely tough news to take just hours after our little angel was born. We have come to terms that we will just have a new "normal" if there is such a thing. We are so in love with this little angel and will do everything in our power to make her life as wonderful and fulfilling as possible. She is a complete joy and we can't wait for everyone to meet her. We cannot tell you how blessed we are that God entrusted one of his most precious angels with us.


Laura said...

She is beautiful! Of course I already knew that though because I've held that precious angel. She will be a beautiful little girl always no matter what. You and Brad will be awesome parents to little Carsen. Lots of Prayers always. Looking forward to her being in Kendall and Emer's wedding! Keep your chins up!

Love you guys!

Sherle said...

She is beautiful, Patty!!!! God could not have picked two better people to care for this little angel. What a doll! Love and prayers to your family. Thank goodness her heart is fine!!! That's awesome!!!

Jenny said...

Patty, she is absolutely perfect:) Congratulations and am so honored to have met you and look forward to getting to know you and your sweet family better! If we can ever do anything for you guys, we are here:)

KellyAnn said...

Many call these beautiful children The Great and Noble Ones. I truly believe this. I have worked with many children with downs. I love them dearly.
She is beautiful and you we will great parents to both of your girls.