This is the day Emerson came home, she's been home a little over a week. We are lovin' it. Not much gets done around here anymore, too busy staring at her. I swear we must think we are the only people that have ever had a baby. How does the world function, isn't everyone busy staring at their kids all day? I'm sure we'll get over it when she heads off to college. But until then, I better get back to my angel.
You sound like the very best Mom in the world. Especially after she had to be in the hospital for so long. Nothing else matters but her. She's so beautiful, and still so tiny. You make beautiful babies! :)
Congrats on your beautiful daughter! I am so excited to have found you, I've wondered a lot about you over the years. I was on my cousin's blog and saw a link to Brent's and Rachel's, so now I've found you. I'm happy that you sound and look so happy! Love you, Juanita
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