I got tagged, thanks Rachel. I'm supposed to write six random things about myself and tag six more people. I will try to write six things, but I'm not tagging anyone. I make the rules to suit myself.
1. I swear a lot. I am trying to work on it, because when the baby is born I don't want her first word to be #$&*. Brad and I have discussed the fact that I won't be able to talk in the car when I'm driving for the first 5 years of her life. Sad but true. I'm not a bit proud of this random tidbit about myself, but the first step is admitting you have a problem.
2. I, like Rachel, like to make lists, not crazy like my husband is about lists (he writes down some of the funniest stuff on his lists, like shave, but to me that is a given, sorry I dimed you out Brad). But I love crossing things off. I get a little happy when I get to throw a list away. But sadly most of the time, I just get sick of looking at the same piece of paper and just transfer a list to a new piece of paper, plus or minus a few things.
3. When I shave my legs I hate shaving my knee cap, I feel I'm gonna slice it right off. (Now that I see that in print, I think I am truly crazy)
4. I'm going to win the lottery, deep down I know I will, who cares if I only buy a ticket a few times a year, one of these days it will be my day. Jackpot.
5. I have this grand idea of getting organized and staying on top of things, notice I said idea, and not plan. Although I'm working on it. My desk is almost clear.
6. I always want a new purse, I'm never quite happy with the one I have. Doesn't matter if it is cheap or expensive, maybe that's all women. Pretty soon I won't have to worry about it for a while, I'll have a diaper bag that I will lug around, but I'll probably feel the same way about that.
Now those are truly random things about myself, That I'm sure your life would have been complete if you never knew them. Well I'm off to organize my list, %$#@ I forgot I have to shave my legs and get a lottery ticket. Where's my purse?
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Sometimes I get specific, like Brad. Because if you write clean kitchen and you get it all done except for the mopping you can't cross clean kitchen off....but if mopping was is written seperatly, hey hey you can cross everyting else off!!!!
No prob about not tagging anyone else. I probably would have done the same thing if it had occured to me :)
I just laughed. You are also a very funny person. I did look at the nursery. I think it's very cute, I just forgot that I had looked. Anyway I hope you have a great day and I agree with the purse thing. diaper bags are the same, however these days they make really cute ones. Like I'm toting a knockoff Coach diaper bag. Anyway let me know if you find any really great ones. love ya!
The funny thing about your list is I knew some of these things existed. Brad is wrong, you have until the age of 5 to learn not to say adult words and do terrible things around your baby before you really screw her up.
You will try your hardest, but you will feel like a failure at some point. Just make amends learn from it and know that she still has a good chance of turning out ok as long as you change your ways with in the next 5-6 years.
I like list too. In fact, today I helped add to Ken's list and when I sat down to cross things off, there were a couple of things I accomplished that I forgot to list, so I wrote them down and then crossed them off. This makes me feel better, because when you look at your list it feels good to see numerous things crossed off and it appears you were busy all day. Love you, love me.
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