We finally attended our first Buddy Walk. We've been excited about this event ever since we learned Carsen's diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Octoberis Down Syndrome awareness month, so it's a great time to do the walk. Our BUDS groupputs it on every year, and this year was a great success. It's one loop around Joe Davis Stadium, then they provide lunch for everyone. There are carnival games, face painting, clowns and the storm troopers, ghost busters and Batman all made it for the kids. For adults they have a great raffle, I won 3 things, yay me! We really enjoyed seeing all the cute kids and their families. I would like to say a huge Thank You to all our friends and family that made it out for the event. Your support means so much to us! Thank you!
The Co-presidents Sam and Jenny Evers with Brad
Aunt Coley helping me man the t-shirt tent
Making the announcements before the walk
The actual walk, little Carsen slept right through it
Brad, Aunt Lora, and Grandpa Bob
Us with our girl of the hour
Aunt Coley with her hands full
Aunt Lora with the girl of the hour
Maddy and Murphy
Cute little John and Maddy
Uncle Bryan ready to plant a big one
Here, let me show you how this works
Me with the most precious baby!